Speech therapy

Speech therapy is a useful extras benefit. We know it can sound a bit daunting putting a loved one through therapy with a speech pathologist but this page is designed to ease your concerns about this common treatment and show you how to get the best out of your extras cover and Medicare.

Kids and speech therapy

Kids often struggle in the early years and an expert can make the world of difference.

But how do anxious parents know what are and aren’t normal speech developments?

Speech Pathology Australia has the answers with a helpful guide that shows what listening and speaking skills your child should have at age groups starting from 12 months of age.

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Read the full Communication Milestones guide with benchmarks at 18 months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years and 5 years to see how your little bundle of joy is tracking. If your child isn’t hitting these milestones, Speech Pathology Australia advises not to ‘wait and see’ but to get help from a speech pathologist (more on how below).

How does speech therapy work

Speech therapy services are provided by speech pathologists who are registered with Medicare. Speech pathologists aren’t limited to helping children, they can also help adults and can help with speech problems that come from:

  • learning problems
  • stroke and other brain injuries
  • cerebral palsy
  • dementia
  • hearing loss

Source: health direct

Start with your GP

Your GP could save you money for speech therapy treatment.

While you don’t need a referral to see a speech pathologist, your doctor may be able to set you up on a Medicare treatment plan to help with the cost.

For children with a disability, assistance through the National Disability Insurance Scheme might be available.

How does a Medicare treatment plan work?

Your GP writes the plan for services that you can claim through Medicare from a speech pathologist. Medicare provides benefits for up to five consultations per calendar year.

Once you have finished the consultations on the Medicare plan, you can claim future consultations on your extras cover (if you’re covered for it) and start drawing down on your limits.

How to find a speech pathologist

Your GP might refer you to a specific speech pathologist or you could use our helpful extras provider search to find one.

Peoplecare speech therapy benefits

This benefit is paid from Speech Therapy for all products.

Extras cover Consults Limit per person Limit per family
Premium Extras 80% $500 $1000
High Extras 70% $400 $800
Mid Extras N/A N/A N/A
Simple Extras N/A N/A N/A
OSHC Extras N/A N/A N/A


Closed extras cover* Consults Limit per person
Comprehensive Extras 80% $800
Value Extras N/A N/A
Standard Extras N/A N/A

*These covers are closed but members with these covers can stay on them and use their benefits.

How the benefits work

  • A 2-month waiting period applies for new members and members who’ve just upgraded to an extras cover with speech therapy benefits.
  • Limits reset every financial year (1 July).

Thinking telehealth?

You can use one-to-one video and phone telehealth consultations based on your existing speech therapy benefits. Read more on our telehealth information page.

How to claim speech therapy

Simply swipe your Peoplecare card to claim with your speech pathologist.

Forgot your card? Collect the receipt and make a photo claim.